Sunday, May 31, 2009

I ate sunscreen

So in case you didn't know, I adore Eddie Izzard. Like, a lot. He's kind of my favorite comedian ever. Shane and I also quote him all the time. He will make it into our conversations somehow in the most impressive ways. Like today:

Kelly: I hate how I can't get the taste of sunscreen out of my mouth...
Kelly: bleh
Shane: Kelly
Shane: Why would you eat sunscreen?
Kelly: I didn't
Kelly: I was wearing it today
Shane: Uh huh
Kelly: and somehow it got in my mouth.
Shane: Sure
Kelly: I dunno
Kelly: either way it tastes god awful
Shane: I still dunno why you'd drink sunscreen
Kelly: I didnt
Shane: Didn't you though?
Kelly: alright alright yes yes
Kelly: i ate sunscreen
Kelly: I fucked your wife and I ate sunscreen
Shane: I am the sunscreen and I ate the sunscreen

I'm mostly amused that we both made the same reference at the same time. For those of you who are not familiar with this bit, you can find it here. I love Eddie Izzard.

I have several more posts to make about animazment and how I hung out with tigers today...but I'll make them later. Right now, I'm feeling too lazy.

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