Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ok, that can never happen again.

Woohoo! New layout! It's all shiny and easier to read! Originally I didn't want to the black background thing since that's what both Shane and Matt have but I wasn't really keen on the whole dark blue/red/yellow color scheme. I am much happier with my black/pink/green/grey color scheme now. Much more saucy, don't you agree? Let me know what you guys think!

That being said...I can never change my blog again. Ever. I am banning myself.

Why? Well everytime I re-design a blog or whatever, I always forget myself. Specifically, I forget how freakin' OCD I am about designing ANYTHING. Desiging my new layout on here took me almost an hour and the changes were mostly color choices and text choices, not even the actual design of the blog itself. I fear what will happen when I get a house. I am pretty sure the house will never be totally finished because I will constantly be changing stuff. Hopefully I'll marry someone with the balls to beat me over the head with a baseball bat and make me stop.

Anyway, I promised myself and others that I would blog about something other than quotes because seriously, that's been what, my last 3 posts? That's kinda sad...

So here is a general update of my life: It's exam time which means, I'm busy as hell. But I'm down to 1 exam left! Woo! After that, I'm returning to Greensboro on Tuesday for Christmas break. Of course, I'll be coming back throughout the break to see people. I also have like 5 crochet projects to do. During the break, I'm also really going to focus on getting a job which is terrifying because the job market sucks royal ass right now. Also, journalism is really starting to fall apart. Hopefully I'll find something for me though.

...I should probably go study now...