Sunday, April 12, 2009

Things, things, and more things

I owe this blog a real update about my life...

So my concert is in 12 days. It's so close now, holy crap. For those of you who are not aware, I'm doing my solo concert for my music minor in vocal performance really really soon. I'm singing 9 songs in a total of 4 different languages. Not every song in four languages mind you..I've just got a lot of different languages. I'm singing in German, French, Latin, and English. It's frightening really.

It doesn't help I'm still memorizing one of my songs. Yeah..I'm a bad person. Oh well, I'm going to go get help for it tomorrow. Then I should have it down by Wednesday.

Thursday is going to be a strange day for me. On the one hand, Daniel will be here which is awesome. I haven't seen him since spring break. On the other hand, it will be my last CIA show. That's assuming I'm placed in the show which I hope I am. I guess it's hard for me to imagine that this is it since I plan on trying to come next year but this is really something I need to prepare to say "good-bye" to on some level. I dunno, maybe I should try CW after this.

The next 4 weeks or so are going to fly by so quickly. I just hope I can take advantage of it fully.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Haha, I'm stalking you now! Ok not eactly, but here I am! You should definitely try CW! And knock 'em dead at your solo show, it's going to be rad! Now I know what you and Jake were doing with all the German stuffs that one time...